Kiruba Victor is the Managing Trustee of the Kiruba Charitable Trust . Her qualification is B D ( Bachelor of Divinity ) 25 years experience in taking care of orphanage .

The Trust was started in the year 2004 . When the founders family saw the hundreds of street children with the profession ." Rag pickers " and had never gone to school , the Trust was started to educate them, feed them , clothe them and give them a Sheltor , the reason being that many girl children were forced to do prostitution for their livelihood.


  • To feed , educate, train and equip the street children, mentally physically , and academically to face the challenges in life to stand on their own legs.
  • To feed the poor and the downtrodden to have a better life , with vocational training and to provide self earned job opportunities.
  • To adapt poor villages and give them the knowledge of education, culture and civilisation to be at par with the city people.
  • To give medical assistance to the poor and the needy , educating them about cleanliness , etc.


  • To build a Home away from Home with 500 inmates , and to the care of all their needs.
  • To build a home for the aged with medical facilities , recreation and park enabling them to be at peace in their old age.
  • To build a home for the handicapped to make them face the world in spite of their physical challenges.
  • To feed the beggars and ragpickers providing them with a small business.
  • To train the drug addicts , alcohol addicts with rescue rehabilitation centres and change them in crisis centres.